The second half of life..

By twigs

Leaf & droplets

Unlike this leaf, I was blown away this morning! A huge thank you to everyone who commented on yesterdays blip - I'm so looking forward to the next chapter here on blip :)

After I'd finished photographing yesterdays leaves I decided to throw them onto the lawn to add a splash of colour to the autumn garden. This morning they were still there and they'd gained a few raindrops that had fallen overnight. So here we have autumn leaf - take 2.

In other news my sister is clearly well on the way to mending. Thanks to eveyone once again for all your best wishes which have been passed on to her :)

She was due to be hosting a party on Saturday night for a friend of hers who was having a birthday. Despite her being in hospital, the party apparently went ahead anyway. What a fantastic host! During the night a few guests left the party for a while to take some of the party spirit to her in the hospital - including some wine. She really is on the mend I think! I'd love to have seen the looks on the nurses faces ;)

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