Tussock Tales

By TussockTales

Good Morning Jack!

Jack? He's the Jack Russell that belongs to H and M who sometimes comes out on the Monday walks. I mean he's a dog...A small dog ( probably has small dog syndrome) but he's OK. We mutually ignore each other on walks, as you do. But I don't see him here. Woof. Woof... No no Jack... What... Oh! That Jack. You mean Mr F... Jack F. Oh why didn't you say cos I did notice that the electric blanket controls were glowing (i.e. ON) when I got to the B's bedroom this morning AND there was the woolly blanket thingie on the bed as well so that explains things. There was a FROST this morning. Right -0.7 Is that all? Seems a lot of trouble to go to for such a small thing but I guess The Boss and Bossess like their creature comforts.
When Winter Comes... There is underfloor heating below my house so I get toasty cosy. But It will not be switched on for -0.7 C. No siree. We Southern folk are Tough!

Oh....What? Oh the picture..Yeh right. That's Mr F on the grass just over the park from where we live.
Sort of a "walk in Blip"


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