What the Blipper Saw

Through the keyhole!
There are no keyholes in the Dower House.
We had them a-plenty in the old castle, and they came with little turned wood covers which swivelled over the hole and which might or might not be attached, depending whether or not little fingers had been at work and managed to dislodge them.

The keyholes also came with keys, or they had once upon a time, but the keys were in odd bundles scattered in boxes around the house and it was impossible to find one to fit a particular lock should I want to lock, for instance, an errant child in his room.*

Keyholes without keys in them , can of course be useful if you want to see what the inmate of the room is up to without their knowing.
I know this is very sneaky, and I of course am not at all sneaky, but it would be nice for instance to see what His Lordship is doing behind His Door for the long stretches of time that it never opens and all is quiet within. I'm sure it's all perfectly legitimate and above board, in fact he's probably fallen asleep over his book, but I'll never know without that missing keyhole

This keyhole is disturbingly placed, somewhat randomly, in the ubiquitous blue hoarding associated with Quartermile.
It's so tempting to crouch down and try to discover what is happening behind the wall of blue wood so placed to prevent prying eyes.

I have to report that all I espied was a site of dereliction overgrown with pervasive buddleia bushes- nothing naughty enough to tempt me back to look again especially as it must be bewildering for the inmates of the coffee shop opposite to see someone bent double with an eye firmly attached to a hole in the wall.

I have of course done more than squint through a hoarding today, but much of the 'more than' was boring shopping- for wool and compost in that order- if you must know.
The Quartermile keyhole was definitely the highlight of my day.

* Would I have dared!

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