Let There Be Light

By solli

The Green Heron

Butorides virescens

It was drizzling as I set up my camp in Lenape Park. Almost immediately, I heard a low pitched OW that I hadn't heard yesterday. The sound was very intriguing, but I had set my sights on the yellow warblers and was listening for their song. Every few moments I heard the OW again and it began to get to me. What on earth is that? It seemed to be coming from the willow by the lake.

Richard and his big yellow labrador arrived shortly afterward and I watched as he quietly moved around the willow. He gestured for me to come over, so I grabbed the camera and went.

"Look up! The green heron. Did you hear the call?

The heron was perched in the tree pulling at branches and I was astounded at the length of his extended neck. He began to hop around and I lost sight of him for awhile. Then I spotted the nest and noticed his mate sitting near it.

I managed to get a shot of him flying from one limb to another and you can see how green he really is from my Blipfolio pics. He looks positively prehistoric! He's cool when viewed larger too!

My Lenape guide assures me that the green herons have nested here before so he's certain there'll be young ones soon enough. That would be awesome!

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