seen at the pond, she stood there, knew me, knew my intentions (not bad of course), she flew to the other side.
We started early Mischa and I to gather her belongings amd carry them.
Today nearly the last day of her move. An important day, bed and bedcovers, cushions, and some kitchen utensils. The end is in sight.
In the afternoon my nephew, her cousin, came to help us and suddenly we had managed the heaviest part. From now on slow down, the last items in some boxes, a bit cleaning and past can become past again.
My nephew (her cousin) stayed of course for dinner and has left now.
He gave me a birthday present (next week I'll be 70) and a welcome present for Mischa. A really sweet person he is.
Too tired now, but I'll always come back, next day is waiting!

My haiku:

I have to come near
But without a present
Bite, the heron flies

And the quote from Shakespeare in Mesaure for Measure.

Oh, it is excellent
To have a giant's strength; but it is tyrannous
To use it like a giant.

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