Bee positive

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Taken in the grounds of the North Devon hospice - two smallish lakes but covered in bumble bees... plus wildflowers of course, this one is a red campion. The weather wasn't wonderful, it was overcast, but least it was dry! I went for a walk twice during today, just to stretch my legs & to take photos in a different place. My mum, well, she's doing just about alright, her breathing is better, she has colour on her cheeks again, it's just going to be a slow road to recovery, but everyone is so positive about it all, & so am I, I've seen her in much worse situations... this is bad, but, she's in the very best place... I really can't begin to describe the care there, it really is rather remarkable, the more I see them all, the more I see their dedication, the better I feel. So, even though it was so hard today, to see my mum in such a state, to see her so unlike her usual capable self, to say goodbye to her at the end of the day, even though she was half asleep, to tell her that I loved her & for her to whisper back that she loved me too... was so heart wrenching... but so wonderful too... she knew I was there & she responded & ok, so I'm in tears typing this, hence the lack of paragraphs, proper English... but stuff that... but God bless my mum, I love her & she's coping so amazingly well & I have to stop there before I start to ramble even more while blinded with never ending tears.

But before that, have himself:

The wisdom of Larry


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