Texann Times

By Texann

Blipping a blipper

(Back blip)

We had a really wonderful day out today!  Leejohnaire's cousin, A (who blips as DiscoQueen), and her husband, T, picked us up from the hotel and took us down to see L's aunt, uncle, other cousin and family down in Ramsgate.  They are all real characters (I don't think any of them would ever have been described as shy!), so we had a very entertaining day. 

We went out for a pub lunch, an ice cream (at Morelli's Ice Cream Parlour in Broadstairs) and a wander around Broadstairs harbour.  We could see Charles Dickens' house from there (the one that is thought to have possibly inspired "Bleak House" but it didn't look that bleak to me).

When we were having our ice creams, DiscoQueen and I realized we were having our first blip meet, so we thought we'd blip each other in a sort of reverse selfie kind of way (which I suppose makes it just a photo!). So here's my blip of DiscoQueen taking her blip of me.

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