the edges of my life

By raej

Oh for a camera

Afraid I did have a sleepless night but a cardiac ultrasound and $400 later simply confirmed I had a thickened left ventricle muscle ( which is not a problem and typical of runners apparently!) ... A few more frustrating hours sorting my flight and hotel for after surgery and just slumped into a hungry exhausted overemotional mess - blubbered a bit then did my old 'getyashittogethergirl' pep talk and took off on the skytrain to do what any depressed and broke girl does - go shopping :). It worked
Bangkok is full of contrasts and I so wish I had a proper camera here to zoom in and catch it. I just love shiny reflective skyscrapers contrasted with streetstalls and hawkers and hookers and all the chaos of Asian street life. Oh well iPhone only for now but next time.....
Bangkok seems very wealthy compared to Hanoi (let alone my local village Ho son) but there are a lot of maimed street beggars literally at your feet. And a real mix of cultures and people types which I love....
Oh well - not here to be a tourist.....

Thank you as always for the support - I really do appreciate it. It's like blip has become a very special family - but without all the family squabbling :). Just hugs and encouragement and thought provoking/life enriching blips to keep me sane (and realize I have comrades in insanity at times)

Big bear hugs ( and I would like to say Doris would send her love Sunkeneyedgirl but she'd probably just stick up a finger :)

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