Another Perfect Morning

Up early again. I looked out and saw softly brightening darkness with fog clearing. "Hmm," I thought. Maybe we'll have another good dawn. Sure enough. About ten minutes later I was out on the deck in my nightgown taking this photograph. Good beginning for the day I'd say. I did up the saturation a bit and used the Topaz clarity plugin to enhance this photo.

Arvin took off on the WTA bus for his day at Adult Day Health. I knew several things I wanted to do while he was gone. One was the wash which is almost done. Another was to spend some time in my studio. 

My plan was to paint but instead I spent about three hours in there getting the place straightened up and getting my painting stuff up to date. I took the gamey leg off my fancy tripod and will be mailing it back to the company for repair. I went through my acrylics and set up my painting kit to take to Europe and organized another larger pochade box. Then I went through all of my oils and updated my kit that I take to open studio. Goodness I have a lot of pthalo blue. Won't need to buy that for awhile. I cleaned my mineral spirits container and refreshed it. I fixed the funky drawer in my cabinet that wouldn't close. I cleared the tables and moved paintings out of the way. 

Now I am ready to paint in a clean, neat, organized space with my supplies organized and accounted for. Yes! Makes me really happy and ready on my next free day to just paint.

Arvin will be home any minute. I'm going to finish this blip. When he gets here we'll go get haircuts and mail that gamey leg off to the Soltek company to repair so I can start using my easel again. Life is good.

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