Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete


What do you want?

You know....really want?

I find that as the years have floated on by that all the distractions and noise become easier to filter out, make them fade, mist like, easily swept aside. It reduces the effort it takes to see things clearly, focus on the good stuff........and yet deal more precisely with the bad.

I watch things.......see they they twist and turn under the clueless ineptitude of the Unwatchful, how awful it must be NOT to see things, find everything a puzzle or problem. Now I am not saying that I am some kind of Oracle, but I watch and see and shake my head at how blind people can be, not to SEE the truth of things. Many truths exist and we all choose our own, today I saw a path chosen that I feel will end badly, we shall can be funny.

While I was at my morning purpose of 'Watching life go by' the rowing teams came down the river. Where will these Bright Young Things end up? The focus and Purpose they show at getting up so early surely bodes well.

The day went by in a stopping...eating on the go....once home, my lovely Lady had made me a super Dinner which we ate outside. The days stresses eased out as the cold beer went in.

Todays Purpose was to get through a very busy a they say, for now that will do, funny how life can be so simple if you keep your aims uncomplicated!


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