WHAT...I forgot my belt?!!!!

It's not what you spend but how you wear it that counts. The key is often to dress up inexpensive basics with accessories. Something like a beautiful designer bag or belt can make everything else look richer and more luxurious.
Chloe Sevigny

The chipmunks really urned their breakfasts this morning. The only bright light came from the flash of Sharpie's rocket speed lift-off!

For the Record,
This day came in dark & dismal, looking like rain. That would be a blessing considering the yellow pine pollen coating EVERYTHING.

T leaves for Chicago this afternoon for a business trip till Thurdsay. I'm off soon to the library to take down a traveling photography exhibit our Diversity Committee hosted through a grant T got from the Town's Cultural Council.

Public Service announcement...
From Bethanne...
Daisy is a Blip star! - there is no doubt about that. But older cats - rise to the occasion and show us your cuteness. The as cute as Daisy cat challenge - next week from June 3 - 9

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