If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Water Pillar.

Another day in the Millennium Centre and to day I went to a fringe meeting during the lunch break.  This left me with little time to get out and about looking for shots.

As asult you get the view from the main doors of the centre.  What isn't too clear from this shot is the fact this pillar is one of those where water runs down the sides in a thin film.  The patterns created always ( to me at least) look like feathers.

I mentioned in my first Cardiff blip I mentioned my disappointment with my view.  I also mentioned that as things turned out I was lucky.  My fellow delegate a few doors down the corridor avoided the stair well.  However at breakfast he grumbled about the noise from the clubs and pubs in the street outside.  This morning following Saturday night he reported things had been even worse.  I on the other hand hadn't heard a thing!

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