Hello again little creature! Although I am not sure if I ever saw this beetle ever. I stepped outside the door and somehow I saw her landing.
I probably had my camera in my hand (I don't remember very well) and kneeled down. Two shots and wow there she flew suddenly away.
I had not yet finished I said, but to no avail.
A delightful sunny day, again. And Piet Hein and I enjoyed another vacation day. After the move we longed for this but somehow it never happened. Now we embrace the opportunity.
I am reading, not for the first time,  the book of Robert Landmann, titled: Ascona  - Monte Verita. searching Paradise. It tells the story of
 the idealistic colony that had settled in Tessin. Many years ago we have visited the place, but little I remember of it. Of the book, however I remember now I read it again, a lot.
 The start of it was at the beginning of the 20th century. The place deserted and bare. The persons involved wanted to leave society and live a more healthy (vegetarian, they were teetolallers, cooperative, working naked outside etc.) life, no conformism and a very free style of clothing.
Hilarious reading.

My haiku:

You big eyed beetle
Hidden during wintertime
Landing for a while

And the proverb:

Pigs may fly; but they are very unlikely birds.

1862  Hislop, 179.

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