The Depth of the Daffodil

I am not camera savvy enough to choose the correct depth of field, especially when I'm shooting flowers. Sooooo, you experiment.

Of the six pictures, the two on the left were taken at F5.6, the two in the middle at F22, and the two on the right snapped at F36.

While focusing on the daffy in all six shots, it's evident that the garden girl is out of focus at F5.6, but I can't tell the difference in her focus at F22 and F36.

My preference? Probably the two middle shots...the ones at F22.

After taking a nice hot shower,
I went outside at the top of the hour.
Down in the driveway I did cower,
to get these shots of the yellow flower.

Lisa warned me to shoot the blooms,
to take the shots head-on.
Because...unlike a lot of plants...
the Daffies...they'll soon be gone.

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