1956 Buick Special

Here it is 11:41 p.m., and I'm just loading the 5 pictures I took. As Gomer Pyle used to say..."for shame...for shame."

I took my two girls (wife and sister-in-law) shopping into the big city (Flint.) We were all looking for "stuff" for our two upcoming weddings. The girls did pretty good. I struck out.

As they were in a dress shop, I followed this guy around the parking lot, and finally honked for him to stop. I lifted my camera for him to see, and he gestured me over.

Isn't she a beauty? Not bad for being 59 years old. The owner has the original sticker in the back window. The price? $3,250

I just now finished my Sunday School lesson, again playing the part of Procastinator Pete. As Gomer used to say..."for shame...for shame." When am I ever going to learn?

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