Making myself a hot toddy

When I woke up this morning I felt as if a lorry had knocked me down and run over me repeatedly. I couldn't even move to get up and have some breakfast. I had to go to work but, as I said, I couldn't move, energy zero.

I'm the kind of person that however bad I'm feeling, I go to work, not just because I don't like leaving my workmates in the s**t, but also because I'm not very good with resting. I always need to be doing something. Today I had to phone in sick simply because I had no energy and I was feeling awful.

Last night I went briefly to my friend's birthday party. I didn't last long as I was not feeling well at all. A couple of drinks and back home to bed. Since then my nose has been a non-stop running tap. Today I had to go outside and get myself some more hankies, lemons, honey and medicines as I had run out. Otherwise, I've spent most of my day in bed. I feel shaky and weak and I've been violently sneezing all day. Still not feeling well...

Just realised that you can put extra photos. My extra photo is a silly photo taken of my hair with my mobile phone in my bed, haha! 

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments and stars on my little robin yesterday. I hope you all had a better day than me! :)

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