Follow the light

...but will it lead me to the right path? Is there a right path?

Just had a wee dram. I needed it after today. I've had better days, I have to say... An incident at work having to do with a visitor who left a rather nasty complaint about me really spoiled my mood today. I was upset and depressed. It was not a major incident (for me, maybe it was for her, it's all relative...). Could I have handled the situation a bit better? Maybe I could have, who knows? Nobody is perfect. To my defence though, I will say that I always try my best to be really nice to people, as it's not in my nature to be horrible to people, and I did try my best... it was obviously not good enough. Never mind...

Hoping for a better day tomorrow.

Here's a set of b&w photos I took back in April, if you have time and you feel like having a look at them.

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments, stars and hearts. I hope you all had a good day! :)

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