The Calm before the Storm

I woke up early this morning, before the alarm, for the first time in ages. It was misty outside and I could see that the forecast rain had not yet arrived. I got up quickly, gulped down the obligatory mug of tea, and took a run up on to the moor. I soon climbed through the mist into some very diaphanous sunshine. As I took this shot a few tiny drops of rain disturbed the flat calm surface of the water. You can just about make them out. Within a minute or so the calm had very much disappeared and it hasn't since stopped raining all day, getting heavier with each passing hour.

And that has been how my day has gone at work too. When you most want things to run smoothly that is the time when things go most badly wrong. I've been grappling with problems that have come out of nowhere, and which have made absolutely no sense to me. There have been times when I felt as if I've been losing my mind. It's made me feel like the God's are messing with my head. It's as if they think I'm having too much of a good time at the moment. Well, all I can say to you up there pulling the strings (or configuring the code), the more you mess me around the more resolve I will find to work around you. Especially as of today, you're not going to keep me down!

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