Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Jerry The Pooch

I dropped by the Tucson Headquarters today to pick up some papers and the volunteer sitting at the front desk had her little pooch, Jerry, with her. The moment she saw my camera she was on me to take pictures of the little fellow.

She said she didn't have a single picture of him and he was getting old. She'd always wanted to take her to a professional but never had the money and never had a camera of her own.

After I took a few, I asked her for her email address so that I could send them to her. She looked at the ground and muttered that she didn't have a computer. I don't know how she expected me to get them to her. So before I left, we made arrangement for me to email them to Shasta in the office for her.

As I was driving off, I called back to the office and asked her to have Shasta send me her name and address and I would print pictures on quality paper and snail mail them to her. As a surprise, I've taken a 5"x7" frame and put this one in it and included a couple others and will mail them to her.

I think she'll be pleased with them, or at least I hope so.

My random act for today...

For those of you interested in in the biorhythm calculator I use, you can download it free here.

I'm feeling much better today but still must be mindful of sudden twists of the knee. Other than some minor complications, I think I'm over the hump. Thanks so much for all of your well wishes. It's always sumpin', ain't it? :-)

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