Wine,Women & Song

By CelloNerd

The Last (and the first) Hurrah

A bittersweet evening full of familiar faces tonight when we gathered to give The Star Club (in its present form) a joyful send off. (Tomorrow evening will be the very last day). Several outstanding local musical groups gathered to perform one last time in this wonderfully, intimate venue. Pictured here is the lovely Kaeli (The Jazz Kids), now studying at Berklee College of Music, and fast on her way to becoming a smokin' hot songstress, song writer, and jazz bassist (and to think that years ago, we played cello quartets together with our teacher Pall!)

But tonight was also a night for a "first"! 

It was the first public, albeit impromptu performance for BeMused, and my first time singing into a microphone! We had six numbers in our set and it was a lot of fun. My inner critic is already whirling around creating lists of things to work on, but all in all, it was a great experience and a joy to have been part of The Star Club's last hurrah! 

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