
Another boring Blip.

I'm still catching up on work after all the time lost recently as a result of my cold. I could have shut the shop at lunchtime today, but it's 28˚ out there and too warm for walking or cycling.

The plan is to get out cycling about 8am tomorrow, and do a couple of hours before the sun is too high.

We're going into town for dinner as soon as Dr D finished her afternoon surgery (about 6.30 if all goes well). A drink and then Greek food. Seems appropriate.

I'm flying home tomorrow so it is guaranteed to be a busy day.

Anyway, while doing routine maintenance in the IT Dept boredom almost led me to buy an iMac - reconditioned by Apple, and looked like a great deal. £600 ish before VAT.

Then I remembered I'd be better to get the summer holidays paid for first and put the boot into the slow paying clients.

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