Journal of a Jessica

By Wallflower


I'm having a day off from the photography challenge - it's my birthday today! I thought I'd show you all the cake that my amazing friend Lesley made me. If you're not familiar with Harry Potter, then I'll tell you about it now: it's exactly the same cake that Hagrid made Harry for his birthday, hence the spelling mistakes, they were of course intentional. I can't believe I'm 17! I've been at work for most of the day, but I didn't mind because it was nice - all of the customers started singing happy birthday to me, they're all so lovely! I got some amazing presents, and lots of money (a shopping spree is necessary next week, I think) - I'm a very, very lucky girl and have the most amazing friends and family, I love them so much.

Today the Olympic Torch came through our town, which was really, really exciting! Work was really busy as I work in a café, and there were lots of cold people wanting a cup of tea, but there was such a good atmosphere. We all went outside to watch the torch come past, but unfortunately I didn't get any pictures.

I'll probably add more to this later as I'm going out for a birthday meal soon, that's why I'm doing this so early. This means I can learn to drive soon, I'm so excited! Brilliant, brilliant day so far, it's been perfect. :)

Well she was just seventeen, you know what I mean.

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