Fuschia Fence Post

A day of mixed weathers, some sunny spells and showers but mostly cloudy.

Last day in Unst for this trip but surely won't be long before I head up again.  We managed a few walks this afternoon but with the showers, it limited the distance I was going to walk. We had lunch with Julie and family, big sis knows how to cook and was right yummy :)  Back down the road and I had to go to work in the pub.  An extra shift to cover holidays and the usual drunk barge men in.  Back home and the feet will be up for the rest of the night :)

While I was out walkies with Sammy, I passed this random Fuschia bush growing in the straining post of a fence.  What a great place for a seed to settle and start growing and glad no one has removed it :)  I'll have to check on it again next summer :)  Taken at Haroldswick, Unst.

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