Suntan day

It has been a marvelous sunny day.

Only problem today has been, that I have had a slight headache all day, due the tensed neck... Or maybe the headache is only result to the dream that I saw in the morning: I saw my son getting married, but as the alarm clock woke me up, I do not know who the bride was!

Anyway - day of learning myself and teaching one collaque for few hours. In the afternoon after works a short nap in the garden swing and I got some suntan to my arm. As I woke up, I saw a Red Amiral butterfly. First one in this summer here.

Lovely and warm, somekind of a heat wave, +21c.
Not every year this warm, but so nice!


ps. In the blip there is the one, first and only Marigold that we have had in our own yard this summer.

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