Blip stars

We had the briefest, but still wonderful blipmeet this afternoon with Paula  (Subjunctive) and Tim Banks and their yellow lab girls. They were coming direct from an overnight at DDW's and now are heading to Camden Maine. Tim fought fierce Friday traffic to spent time with us here at Dogcorner. Paula and I exchanged paintings, the two she painted for us brought tears and a flood of beautiful memories of our Max. The likenesses, spot on, are filled with emotion and his life force. The paintings will bring us pleasure every day. We already know where they will hang with honor. I'm crying now looking at the images as I add them here. Now I see there was a book in the bag as well, what gifts from the heart.

This was our third blipmeet, next scheduled one in April 2016, at the Boston Marathon with D & R after as always.

For the Record,
This day came in warm with dry heat, but still too much heat for me.

All hands healthy

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