But first hard work in the garden. The laurel bushes do not know when to stop growing. The jungle they form with the blackberry bushes form a perfect place to hide for all kind of creatures, and for nests in summertime.
However, I will cut down a bit and let it grow again.
It is difficult to stand firm there, the slope is steep.
After lunch we drove to Beverungen again. I had seen on the map a path I'd like to follow.
At first the beginning was a bit hard to find, but when we had found it, we liked it very much. We had a view into a valley and at the other side of that valley we had a nice view of the path that we had walked some weeks ago, that led to Drenke.
At some point the path we had followed became very narrow and we started to wonder if this was really the path we had chosen.
No, it became clear, it wasn't. And still we were glad we had followed it, because of the stunning views we had. We returned before the dark would set in. Laughing about ourselves, had it not been the nth time that there was a discrepancy between where we thought we were and where we really were.

I feel i need a quiet evening, so I'll will browse, see the photos of my dear blipfriends and comment tomorrow again.

My haiku:

I jump from one branch
To the next and back again
Life is beautiful

And the proverb, why not take the last one of the dictionary?

Zeal without knowledge.

1611  Bible, Romans X, 2.

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