The Edge of the Wold

By gladders

Between the pines

I stayed at home to work today, which meant that Gus managed two walks over Arnside Knott in one day.  What's more, that rare thing happened at lunchtime, the sun shone through the occasional break in the cloud - perhaps not enough to make any Vitamin D or generate any electricity - but enough to raise the spirits.

Gus was limping yesterday for not much exertion.  Maybe he's carrying an old injury, and these days it does flare more easily.  We thought a day at home, rather than cooped up in the back of a cold car, would do him good.  And it does seem to have, he's been trotting about quite happily.

Here he is on the top of Arnside Knott, between the old pines, and enjoying some sunshine on his back, while trying to look enigmatic for the camera.  The snow of two days ago has all but gone, but it is more wintery in temperature than it has been all season.  Thoughts turn to that shelled reptile dug in somewhere in the garden, and we hope that in his slumbers, he has survived the weeks of saturated soil, and now the frosts of the last few days.  It will be another 3 months before we know for sure.

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