I am not sure these are called lianes, but I can' t find another name.
What caught my eye here, was the languid lying figure and I want it to be my contribution to the abstract Thursday challenge, hosted by youoregon1.
The next thing I did was making a drawing of it. I started with drawing one with my right hand, and later another one with my left hand. The two drawings can be seen in the extra photos.
After some time I wondered why I had tried one with my left hand too and then I remembered an awkward moment when I was very little.
Sitting on the ground, a sheet before me, a pencil in my hand and my father taking away the pencil, saying that I can only have it back when I will take the pencil in my right (right!) hand.
I obliged, having no other choice,

The weather today was so much better than the last days. For our walk we drove to the Diemelshöhe and from there we followed the paths over the huge plain and there we enjoyed beautiful views. Such a pleasure!

My haiku:

Lying high in the air
Daydreaming or remembering
Two or three moments

And the proverb:

Dreams go by contraries.

c 1400  Tale of Beryn.  prol.108.

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