Bye Nick

Firstly, mods, I realise this might technically be breaking the rules, a photo of our wedding album, but I'd really be appreciative if you could relax them this once ...

These photos are from my wedding just under 8 years ago, Nick, the man featured 3 times is now dead. Extraordinarily sad. He died of a heart attack running last week, a fit, vibrant, young, inspirational person. The funeral was last Sunday and attended by around 200 people, all of whom admired and spoke of him greatly. I wasn't there.

Sadly, Nick and I hadn't talked for around 7 years, despite being one of my best men and one of my best friends. We had a falling out over his future wife, whom I didn't get on with.

In hindsight I bloody regret that. He was a great person, and a great mate and obviously an awesome husband and (step) father. I regret immensely in hindsight I didn't make more of an effort to get to know more of his partner, and engage them both as friends.

I am scanning some photos tonight to make a card for his wife, to say I am sorry. Finally, although a few years too late regretfully ...

Nick, you were one freakin awesome guy and friend. And I probably never told you that.

Message to me. Need to do a much better job of being a friend ...

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