Water 7 - A house in a puddle

This is the reflection of a house in a puddle. It was a really difficult decision between two pictures I really liked today, but I finally settled for this one.

Last night I had a great time with my friends and this morning I had a good lie in. I had breakfast, I was in the computer for a bit, then I read for a bit and, after that, I went to the gym. The weather in Edinburgh was lovely today for this summer standards! We could see the sky! (yes, the sky! No kidding!) and the sun was shining for a wee while, so I went for a walk through the Meadows before I went to the gym. The reflections on the puddles were fantastic and I took a few pictures.

After the gym I went to Tesco's to do my weekly food shopping. Got the ingredients for a chocolate cake I'm making for a friend of mine's birthday as well. Not much more to report really.

This evening I'm planning to stay at home and have a quite night in unless something exciting comes up the very last minute, which is very unlikely!

Thanks very much for all your nice comments! I hope you're all having a great weekend! :)

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