Valentino on the top of the activity centre checking out what Tigerlily is doing. What is she doing? ..................... trying to knock my Delft ornaments off the shelf - that's what!. Little devil. She has left them alone until now. Probably have to shift them ... no idea where to though as she is like a little monkey and can climb and stretch up really well.

Cheque came yesterday from insurance company for the TV, freeview box and computer base unit which were damaged beyond repair by the lightning a few weeks ago. My old telly was bought in 2004 and technology has moved on a bit since then. So today I have been looking online for a new telly - with Freeview built in. Found one that seems OK, ordered it and it should come on Thursday. Now I need to look at computers.

Neil made an early start today and he was on the coach to London leaving at 8.30am. Staying at a friends. Tomorrow he starts with his interviews and Graduate recruitment events.

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