Rowis Rule!

Yes, you guessed it, we were well and truly rained off today. Tony has developed a stinking cold, the rain beating down on Oscar made for a pretty sleepless night and everything outdoorsy at Franz Josef has been cancelled for the day so no heli hike for Tony. However, we are not down, just taking the chance to do little but Sudoku and read (I'm now on The Rosie Effect having left the first book for some other lucky reader on a campsite further south). This evening we will dine at Alice Mae's Restaurant to celebrate my birthday with another excuse to try out yet another local Pinot Gris!
We were so stuck for things to do after laundering the bedclothes and blipping Oscar's twin which parked opposite us last night (good to meet Linda and Dave from Devon) that we paid an exorbitant amount of money to look round the West Coast Wildlife Centre, but we did get to see a real live young Rowi Kiwi in readiness for being shipped out to a predator free island so if the entrance fee went towards looking after him and his pals then money well spent.
So no wonderful NZ landscape for you today blip pals, just a scary one of me having opened my cards over breakfast!

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