Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Get my good side..

Poor wee thing born in this horrendous weather. Inside and warming up after having some milk from its mummy. Chaos today and it didnt help with starting the day at 4.30am.

One at the cows at the farm where we manage the livestock has calved a couple of days early in the nasty weather so i had to go and help husband get them inside as the calf was cold.

Then we came back to the lambing field found this one needing to come in. We also had an older lamb that couldnt find its mum. After a lot of searching we found her stuck upside down in a ditch. She doesnt look good at all and the wee lamb is most upset about his mum. Its so sad. 

One of my gimmers (first time lamber) lambed a bit later shes an ex pet lamb. Its doing great even in the weather. Another one looking to start on the last check so we will see if she has produced on the next check. Better go coble something together for dinner now.

6c 20mph sse wind chill 0c wet and windy.

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