Big Hill

By bighill

Beach stuff!

I found this piece of something on the beach, not sure what it is, planning to find out on the interweb when i'm feeling even better!   One of the early days while in Cuba, Terry and I went on a very long walk to explore a deserted beach - took us about 1 1/2 hours to get there, along the beach but then we had to pass over some treacherous looking coral reefs!   It was fun and to find a deserted beach, free of humans was pretty lovely.   Mind you, it was pretty cluttered with garbage......but i found this little treasure.   I wasn't sure it would make it home i my suitcase, but it did!

First day i've felt anywhere near my usual human self.   The past few days have been a blur of napping, coughing, other unmentionable body functions!!!!    But finally, today i feel like i am reentering the land of the living.  Unfortunately, poor Terry is now coming down with the same cold!   This happened last year, but to a much greater degree.....not sure what to attribute this too!!!

I  was able to actually lead an ecstatic dance event up in Sydney this was a total delight to introduce all those women to such an amazing form of 'self therapy'......we danced for about an hour, moving thro what are called the 5 rhythms:  flowing, staccato, chaos, lyrical and into stillness.   The work of Gabrielle Roth has been with me for almost 20 years now, and altho i haven't done much with it for the past few years, it is still so much part of my foundation, it wasn't hard to share what i have experienced and watch how it affected some of the women present.   The highlight for me was dancing with a woman's 10 month old baby girl during the lyrical phase.   Lyrical rhythm is all about joy and gratitude.....this little being was so peaceful and so happy in my arms as we danced, brought tears of joy to my eyes!   So fitting and such a gift!

Soups on, back to a nice bit of Cuban rum.....and things are almost back to normal here at Big Hill.

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