Back into Bantry...

... and look, hints of blue!! The mist has lifted, the sun has shone and the market was packed! I met Margaret. My godcalf, Amanda the bullock (!!) is doing very well after the trauma of yesterday. She had photos on her phone to show me - a huge, black and curly calf and a tiny heifer, hence the problems. Apparently sperm from a small size bull had been ordered from the insemination man but something had gone wrong somewhere. Anyway the outcome was good but Margaret was black and blue. We brought stuff for a picnic and went down to a secluded strand and ate and talked. I hadn't seen Margaret since her Wedding so there was plenty to catch up with.

This avo (new word courtsey of Rainie ) all you could hear was the sound of frantic lawn mowing and strimming - ours included.
Today's blip is a view down into Bantry Bay with the scultpure in the foreground - called Lightcraft and made from 5,500 milk cartons. The controversial Maritime Hotel is on the left - controversial because it is such a dull rectangular lump. Please biggify for the full odd blueness and seagulls. And up on the hill on the left you can see the Hollywood style lettering - well some of it, the photographer wasn't fully concentrating.

Off for a Greek salad and maybe watch the opening of the Olympics.

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