Growing old disgracefully



Felt we wanted to be on the water today so took the ferry to Dunoon, intending to walk in Benmore Gardens. By the time we arrived at Benore, however, the rain was so torrential that just getting from the car to the cafe was a puddle leaping challenge. Then we remembered there was an important loophole in our IT defences so it was straight home to fix it and to buy a new phone. Not how we normally spend Saturday afternoons, but this was no normal Saturday. A new number was needed to exclude harassing texts, but we turned this into an excuse for me to have a new iphone - now I need never be without a reasonable camera - whoopee!

Thanks for all the lovely thoughts and good wishes after yesterday's post, not to mention the odd star and someone who wanted to lick the strawberry off the screen! For a public forum, Blip is such a lovely, encouraging and warm community. May it stay that way. We are much better and stronger today and aware that even on the darkest days, there can be amazing breaks in the clouds.

My new iphone - I adore it!
Many lovely messages from friends and family - one even invited us to come straight to their villa in the sun - we won't be going, but we did enjoy the idea!
Our cancelled trip means we now have time to do some of the things we have wanted to do for some time

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