Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Flowers for You!

Outside today: I was clearing paths and pruning roses (impossible to kill by over pruning? Challenge: accepted xP), and the lad was exploring around. At one point he ran up with a flower for me (a dandelion, inevitably), and then collected a couple more: one for his mother, and one for his sister. He can be such a little sweetheart. 8)

I asked him to hold them up so I could take a photo, and this is what he did. I think it looks quite sweet.

Also, bizarrely, Filterstorm on the iPad has been updated, and I'm not encountering the layer problems I'm getting with Filterstorm Pro since its update. Very weird. I might delete it (again) from the iPad, and this time try reinstalling it from the computer through iTunes.

Also today: EHMAGERD ... EHNZERKS. And as we came towards the end of the Anzac bikkie mixture, wife-of-mine appropriated the last 12 bikkies' worth of mixture for an experiment: making an Anzac slice...


We cut off a piece from one end and checked it out. Then we did this. Srsly Un. Be. Lievable.

And I went for a walk-run ... and actually managed to restrain myself to a walk at times. Feet/ankles feeling pretty good. I've identified what's been going owch: the peroneus longus tendon. Need some strengthening, and probably some stretching too.

Gotta go wrangle some kids now.

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