1000 Piece Jigsaw

Well finally it has arrived.  I have been aware that my 1000th blip was looming and three days ago I received a notification from Blip Central advising me that it was imminent.

I've been thinking for a while now about what I should do to celebrate this milestone blip and obviously a macro was always on the table.  It's a medium I have come to love and mainly because of the brilliance of my fellow blip buddies.  I had been eyeing off the fungi on the old log and thought it was time to get down and dirty and do my very best macro of the fungi after the snow.  And then I woke up this morning and saw the Billabong.  No snow last night but a freezing cold night and the entire Billabong was frozen over in the most amazing pattern.

So here is my 1000th blip.  A 1000 piece jigsaw that is a metaphor of my life over the past 1000 images posted.  When I look back to my first entry it was in fact a back blip posted on the 10th of January 2013.  CCN and I were driving to Western Australia to care for my beautiful 90 year old Mum who was very ill with Multiple Myeloma.  When I look back on this image it brings back very poignant memories of our time at home with Mum and what a privilege it was to be able to care for her and just how special it was to be with her at that time.  

I love my photography, but I also love reading back on my journal and the times that we have had since that first posting.  I also reflect on the amazing people that I have met through blipfoto and how special those friendship have become to both CCN and I.  

Blip Birthdays are special because they do give us cause to reflect on what a positive influence this wonderful website has on our lives on a daily basis.  Thank you, thank you, thank you, from the bottom of my heart for sharing your lives with me and letting me share my life with you.

In closing I want to say how eternally grateful I will always be to my Big Brother Allan 46 for encouraging me to become part of this amazing community that is blipfoto.  You're a wise old owl Al :-)

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