Big Hill

By bighill

Back at this one again...

My third go at this image....i am loving the changes, and playing around with the composition a bit more...see here for the first 2 attempts!

Yesterday was a day and a half....up at 7am, into the studio, pack up for the market....unpack and get things organised so that my dear and wonderful friend Jane could take care of things there.   Drive home, glaze beer mugs for a couple of hours, back into town to pack up after the market, which was pretty good.....back home, into the studio and finish glazing pots, load kiln!   Now it is 5pm!!!   i was totally knackered!  so off to bed for a couple of hours...pure bliss......i was out  almost instantly, and slept like the dead...felt so refreshed after that!

So today i have nothing to do but wait for the kiln to cool down.  I've even left the Closed Today sign up at the bottom of the hill...i so need a day off!

A massage booked for 3sh...then a visit and dinner with Jane!! 

And the sun is shining!!!

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