
This family of swans thought I might have some food for them. I didn't. I wouldn't. Swans eat weed, not anything I might be carrying around.

So, the cygnets reverted to nature and went back to eating weed.

A tough day for me. My easyJet flight home from Munich last night left 90 minutes late at 23:15. By the time I got to the house it was 01:15 (02:15 for my bodyclock).

I missed the last bus to the park and ride, so I'm £45 worse off after paying for the taxi. Better than waiting until 05:00 for the first morning bus? Yes, I suppose so.

Normally my son would have stepped in to pick me up, but he's away for the week. No-one else I know well enough to ask at the last minute to come to the airport for a 00:30 pick up.

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