Northern Exposure

By Northern


With much trepidation and far more excitement than it warrants, I've decided to enter some garlic in our local horticultural show on Wednesday.

This causes some slight difficulties and confusion for me:

1) There is no garlic class. It will be in the 'any other veg' class - how do they choose between random oddities? What will the judges be looking for?

2) Due to our later season and me not quite planting as early as I should do, I harvest 'early' garlics in late August and later ones well into September/October. No problem normally when we don't have a deadline to worry about. But it does mean that instead of silver and violet papery dried bulbs (which I think is what shows normally are looking for) mine is still very green and juicy.

3) How are you supposed to present 'Wet' garlic? Anyone know? I can't find any information anywhere.

4) Do I go for one big Albigensian bulb (as shown in pic). Or would it be best to go for a nice trio of Bella Italiano?

All help and advice would be greatly appreciated!

One thing I do know for sure the ones that didn't make the beauty pageant shortlist tasted damn good - garlic mushrooms on toast for lunch and pasta with butter, garlic and parmesan for tea.

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