Friends Forever!

'F' is for Friends Forever! ;-)

.... we hope!! Yikes, this was a first and I snapped them for more than 30 minutes, during which Chino went outside and returned to the other 2 again! C&R sr were not here to see, that's why I actually took pictures of it.

After C&R returned from town, the 3 even played chase for a long while, and each one of them enjoyed it thoroughly. Now, as I'm sitting here to type this write-up, the 3 of them are sleeping close to one another again! I truly hope the war is over in this household!! Hiehiehie!!

We're having a relaxing Saturday and looking forward to a lovely day of chatting, eating and laughing with ~Letstryit and hubby tomorrow!!

Oh, I only noticed my 'One Year Ago' Blip now!! Hiehiehie!

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