19 August 2012 Fingers

'F' is for Fingers! ;-)

R jr's project for Illustration at University at the moment is the anatomy of the human body ..... getting quite interesting ...... hmmmmm! They had a male model in a boxer for two weeks, quite a skinny guy the first week and a shorter, stockier guy the second week, they had to draw what they saw and R's work was quite good, methinks! This past week they had a female model .... hmmmmmmm! Not bad at all!! Hiehiehie!!, but the few weeks before the 'models' they had to draw their own hands as well as their own feet, in all sorts of different 'poses', which turned out quite well too!

I decided to show you the rough sketches of his own fingers tonight, since it is my last day for 'F'!

M and K, Letstryit, paid us a visit today, it was absolutely great to chat away for a few hours, and we had a lovely Braai (BBQ) together, thanks to C&R sr. While chatting around the BBQ fire we saw a huge Fish Eagle circling above us in the sky. Needless to say, the 2 old Blippers grabbed their cameras and charged down the street to get a better view, but the silly old Fish Eagle decided not to pose for this photo session and we had to return empty handed from our walk! We saw some Crowned Plovers and a cute little 'Woody the Woodpecker', but since they aren't spelled with an 'F' I could, of course not, Blip one of them!!

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