Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

...Celebrating hummies

Well, I held off as long as I could ... but I couldn't wait any longer to blip another hummingbird. There seemed to be a few less than usual today, although still a dozen or so at any time. Lots of impressive aerial high-speed chases, some bringing them within inches of my head. Amazing that they never seem to hit anything, in spite of the speed and agility of their flight.

I liked this shot the best today because it shows how they contort their bodies when they are hovering in order to stay in place. Quite amazing. I watched a Nature special this week on hummingbirds and found it fascinating. Makes me want to travel to Central America ...

I am still not back to 100% so decided to take it easy today. Spent some time out back pottering in the garden, planted some more salvia which the bees and hummingbirds like. Also did some weeding. Got some fun shots today of birds and various insects. If you'd care to have a look, I posted my favorites on blip folio.

Going to have a quiet night this evening, maybe a little television and some reading. Tomorrow some of the hubs fellow-racers are coming over to work on the race car so I expect lots of testosterone to be flowing. One of the wives and I are going out on her boat for a few hours in the morning - should be great fun! I'm taking a camera, of course.

Thanks for the comments on my fuzzy bee yesterday. I apologize for being behind on commenting - this cold has really thrown me off my schedule, I'm afraid. But, I will catch up!

Happy Saturday, Blippers!

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