La vida de Annie

By Annie


Went into the shop today to check that all was well after not being opened all week while I had the lurgy. Apart from a water bill, the only new feature was a white plastic bag knotted inextricably to the shutter. Great, I thought, someone's left a bag of dog poo here rather than going to the nearest bin. Trying to untie it, I noticed it was heavier than expected, and not at all squashy. Unable to undo the knots, I ripped it open and found a jar of the black stuff and a note: "I am a friend of Tim. Heard you like MARMITE. We are leaving the island. Enjoy." I couldn't read the signature but feel sure Tim will know who it is. On a dog poo theme, I did sidestep a particularly huge pile on the pavement, in its artistry, height and perfect symmetry not unlike the piles of stones the locals get very passionate about. I would have blipped it but did not want to attract the blame...
On a prettier note here's a pic of some of the C decorations in town all ready for the big switch-on fiesta (whenever that is - events here are so little advertised that I only find out what's already happened, in the local paper).

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