The Aga Shop

Today's the day .............................. for a bit of publicity

The place where I work has been an Exhibition Centre in the small town of Kendal for nearly twenty years. It's a great place to come and visit - we have something for everybody - including a nice cafe. We do lots of advertising to bring ourselves to the attention of holiday makers because we need visitors to come and visit. But our biggest problem is to get ourselves known by the locals.

We have AA signs that lead you through town to our door. We have banners and flags and leaflets and all the rest - but the chances are that if you ask a local where we are, they will not have a clue. It's so frustrating! To add insult to injury - if you describe our location as being 'opposite the Aga Shop' - they are then likely to know exactly.

I mean, I ask you - what percentage of the population has a need to go to the Aga Shop? How have they managed to get so well known? There's got to be a marketing lesson that we can learn here ...........................

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