Smear Campaign

A long day at work and home to a brew in one of my belated birthday presents.

When it comes to marmite most people are in the love or hate camps . I am neither . I am in the " Marry it and have its babies " camp.

Love, love , love. I smear it on anything. Toast, carrots, apples, chocolate Ben Ainslie ( don't worry Misters Bono and Grohl, I haven't forgotten you, you are just a little less gold medally at the moment ) .

Speaking of other things that people love or hate ( beware crappest segue ever into a soapbox moment ): George Galloway. The man had over a 10,000 majority at the election in our city so must be loved and yet everyone I know is appalled by him. His latest tirade today about not needing permission before "each penetration " has done little to command him any respect. Ironic really when you consider his party name . I am composing a letter to the parliamentary commissioner about him at the mo.

One day I may consider being apolitical and passive and take up crocheting. One day ...


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