Particles & Waves

By EdwardFenner

Tesla Museum campaign: Day 5

My MA in Science and Technology Studies has me researching the life and work of physicist Robert J. Van de Graaff. Before him I studied Nikola Tesla. I still do.

The Internet is a powerful means of communication, outreach, awareness, and fundraising for worthy causes of your choosing. The 'net has certainly made research at the university level faster and easier in terms of searching for information and contacting people and institutions for research. The Digital Age has some tremendous benefits.

When this opportunity came up to help preserve the site of Tesla's last lab and eventually turn it into a Tesla Museum and science centre, I had to act. I donated $50 (T-shirt level, which I will blip later when it arrives) and promoted the campaign via my facebook and twitter accounts. Some friends and colleagues joined in. In just 5 days they have nearly reached their goal! Outstanding! And there is still 40 days to go!

Campaign site.

Update: The goal was reached and surpassed on Day 6. The funds keep rolling in. Everyday people tossing in a few bucks or a few dozen or a few hundred (or more) via the Internet - the new phenomena of crowd-sourcing All extra funds go towards restoring the site (initial funding goal was to purchase the site to keep it from developers tearing it down and turning it into yet another shopping mall).

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