Alice in Blipland

By Alicemaylara

Birthday Blip!

I has such a nice day visiting my sisters new home. It's lovely, has an actual oven AND heating! I left feeling quite inadequate. She's five years older than me though so I'll use that as my excuse for my lack of useful things in my home. (as long as I have Barn I'm happy)

It's a year since I started blip (hence the malteasers in 365 shape...) I still vow to continue for another 365 because the first 365 have been an absolute delight and to miss any day now would feel wrong. Blip is a ritual.

I must say a special mention to 'Mr John' 'FlynNet' and 'PaulFS, 'DavetheRave!', 'ZombieButterfly', 'Dcred' and 'Sgwarnog' who have all been here making blip a joy! Golly you have some strange names!

And that's today's one through the looking glass.

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