Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

On Stilts...

This is a repeat of yardbird # 9, the American Goldfinch.  This one is a male, identified by the little bit of dark feathers on his forehead that will, in a few short months, be a jaunty black cap.  This winter, these cheery little birds seem to be staying close to our yard which is nice.  This one perched momentarily on some of the dried phlox in my garden, making for a lovely photo.  I always leave the garden "wild" until spring, when I'll cut everything back to make way for spring growth.  

Also this morning, I saw TWO red-breasted nuthatches at the feeders!  I've suspected that there was a second one around only because the first one has become very vocal in the last month, so seeing them both at the same time confirmed my suspicion.  I know it is too much to hope that they'll stick around to breed this summer, so I'll just enjoy them while they are here - a little gift from nature.

Visit with MIL yesterday afternoon was great.  She was wide awake and cheerful and only asked a few times why she was there.  We went into the little dining room where she and I could sit and talk quietly for a bit, her with a cup of coffee and me with tea.  When it was time to go, I asked if she wanted to go to her room or back to the activity room with some of the other residents - without hesitation, she said she'd join to the others.  This really made me smile, as she is somewhat shy around those she doesn't know.  I feel that she is starting to recognize some of the "regulars" and becoming more comfortable with them.  Hubs also had a good visit with her last night.  One day at a time.

Hubs and I are heading out for a quick lunch and then over to visit with MIL for a bit.  Fingers crossed that she'll be having a good day.


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